Into the Autumn

LunaGrown Luna Napping

Autumn is Upon Us

At the farm, Autumn means it’s time to start preparing for next spring. Well in a way that’s what it means. During the cold winter months when the ground is frozen very little can be done with the soil, the equipment is too cold to work on, and no planting can be done. So Autumn is a very active time.

LunaGrown Family Autumn expansionWe had some relatives visit us this month and assist in the expansion of the grape fields. My humans have found that spring planting is much easier if the support lines and irrigation are set now and ready to go come planting time. I was exhausted after a day of supervising them, but they did a great job! The expansion they worked on means an additional 125 or 150 grapevines. The additional help was greatly appreciated and we had an enjoyable visit as well.

Also, I have been assisting my human Markus as he clears the lower field near the barn. This was an extensive clearing of rocks, brush, and stumps, but we’ve got it pretty well under control. Chris built the biggest cat box I have ever seen in the field there. I’m looking forward to having it filled with sand and cats, lots and lots of rotten pretty cats.  I have not quite decided what should happen in this field yet. My human companions and I are still discussing it, but I’ll let you know.

LunaGrown Lower Field in AutumnI have kept Paul busy, as this is the best time to put down grass seed and lime. I know some that will disagree and they should know they are wrong, ask any dog. The best time for grass seed if you want it to come up in the spring is after the first frost in the Autumn. We’ve had a few light touches of frost already, thankfully not a good hard frost yet as Chris still needs to wrap the fig trees and raspberries since they are still young.

Paul has also been working extensively on the barn and future kitchen. It seems the lazy hazy days of summer are behind us all for this year.

The only one who really has to work through the winter is Chris, as he is responsible for making jam for everyone to enjoy through the winter season. I can’t wait for vacation days. We still have a lot to accomplish before then though.

Ben has been visiting on weekends and you would think he never gets out, he’s so full of energy. Today I dared him to roll in bear scat and he did it! It was under his collar and behind his ears and down his neck! Who’s the stinker now Benny? He had to get a bath out behind the barn with a hose. No one was very happy about this, and everyone said I was a smart good girl for not getting any on me.

Work hard while you can, it’s good for your mind and your soul. Remember, don’t go home with scat under your collar others will know where you’ve been and what you’ve been up too. Sometimes in life, it’s best, just to let shit lie.

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Christopher Wilson
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