Category: Nutrition

LunaGrown nutritional information and general health benefits of jam in ones diet.

Summer Heat Health with LunaGrown 🔊

Summer Heat Health with LunaGrown 🔊

Fresh fruit is one of the best ways to replenish potassium levels, and one of the safest (avoiding supplements) there is usually enough sodium in your daily meals naturally that adding salt is not necessary to replenish what you’ve lost. Those with blood sugar concerns as well as the elderly and the very young, should be aware and take proper care throughout the day.

Jam, Jelly, Preserves, What’s the Difference

Jam, Jelly, Preserves, What’s the Difference

difference in preserves

Jam, Jelly, Preserves, What’s the Difference

Jam, jelly, preserves and conserves; fruit spreads and butters and Marmalades, oh my! These are just some of the terms associated with preserved fruit products. It’s a real wonder that something as simple as preserved fruit could be so complicated.

According to convention and common knowledge…

Jelly: Just the juice, nothing but the juice. And sugar. No seeds, whole berries or chunks of fruit. Clear and well-jelled.

Jam: Crushed, puréed or chopped fruit cooked down with sugar. A soft, chunk-free pulp.

Preserve: Chopped or whole fruit cooked with sugar until a syrupy base able to suspend the fruit chunks develops.

Conserve: A preserve made with more than one fruit, often including raisins and nuts. Sometimes a conserve refers to a more thickly-stewed preserve.

Fruit Spread
: A recent addition to the jam aisle, fruit spreads began as reduced-calorie products made with alternative sweeteners and fruit juice concentrates.

Fruit Butter: Fruit purées slowly cooked down with sugar, lemon juices and spices to a smooth, soft consistency.

Marmalade: A soft, typically citrus-based jelly. The sweet jelly balances the bitterness of the citrus peels, which are included along with the fruit pulp.

Blackberry Lemon Thyme pot

According to the FDA…

In the United States, some jam and jelly related terms are regulated and some are not.

Regulated products and product names include Jam, Preserve, Jelly and Fruit Butter:

This means that products with these names have to conform to certain specifications and recipes. For instance, a product called “Jelly” must contain at least 65 percent water soluble solids (sugar) and must be made with fruit juices or concentrates. “Preserves” and “Jams” (interchangeable FDA terms), must contain at least 65 percent sugar and 45 percent fruit. If a product does not meet these requirements, it must be called by another name. For example, some Fruit Spreads are only 44 percent sugar, so the cannot be labeled “Jams” or “Preserves.”

A Matter of Sugar: One of the defining specifications for jams and related products is the total sugar content. This includes the sugar present in the fruit and the sugar added through cane sugar or concentrates and syrups.  This is often referred to as “soluble solids” or “Brix.” For example, if 10 grams of sugar are added to 90 grams of water, the resulting 100 grams of sugar solution are said to have a Brix of 10 or a soluble solids content of 10% (i.e. 10% sugar by weight). Similarly, a fruit preserve should have a Brix measurement of 65 (or 65% sugar by weight = 65 grams of sugar in 100 grams of preserve).

More on sugar:

Organic cane sugar is obtained from the juice of a sugar cane plant. The sugarcane is harvested and once the plant juice is pressed out of the stalks and heated to a boil, the resulting syrup is then processed into granular sugar. Granulated organic cane sugar contains about 99.6 percent sugar. Similarly, grape juice concentrate is made from the juice of white grapes which have been pressed. Once the pressed juice is boiled to evaporate the remaining water, the resulting syrup contains 68 -70 percent sugars.
Organic cane sugar consists primarily of sucrose. Sucrose, in turn is made of one half glucose and one half fructose – two molecules stuck together. When cane sugar is heated during the process of making a conserve, almost all of the sucrose splits apart into single molecules of fructose and glucose. White grape concentrate consists mainly of a mixture of fructose and glucose, and this does not change during the cooking process. Ultimately, this means that the 44 percent soluble solids content in both conserves and spreads is made of virtually the same amount and kinds of sugars!

LunaGrown Jam Subscription
Blackberry mint Jam
Goodness In Seeds 🔊

Goodness In Seeds 🔊

Quite often people ask if LunaGrown Jam’s contain the seeds or skins of the fruits used. The answer is always Yes, whenever possible.
Realizing that some need to avoid seeds due to diverticulitis, and others may have ill fitting dentures which can be troublesome. To these folks we offer a variety which does not contain seeds such as Apple, Mango or other stone fruit varieties.

Unveiling the True Ingredients in Your Favorite Jam

Unveiling the True Ingredients in Your Favorite Jam

Jam is a staple on many breakfast tables, making its way onto toast, into baked goods, and even as a sweet addition to some savory dishes. However, how many of us really know what goes into our favorite spreads? With increasing awareness about the importance of healthy eating, consumers are starting to pay more attention to food labels.

Pectin The Wonder Nutrient

Pectin The Wonder Nutrient

Pectin in jam

Pectin The Wonder Nutrient

Pectin is abundantly contained in apples and citrus fruits. It can be used to produce jams and jelly.

Few people have attached great importance to this nutrient. This is because it plays a tiny role in nourishing the human body. According to medical research, it is known to slow the activity of enzymes that break down starches and sugar. The absorption of carbohydrates and sugars is slowed because of pectin’s fiber content; this helps prevent blood sugar spikes, which cause glucose intolerance, weight gain, and diabetes

Pectin can also lower the levels of cholesterol and improve the intestinal viscidity in our bodies. The improved viscidity can decrease the cholesterol of bile and food, which can further lower the cholesterol in our bodies. What’s more, it can effectively clean our body tissues. This is because pectin contains high fibers. The experts have already proved that the absorption of high fibers can help us decrease the chances of getting colon cancer and gastric cancer.

Pectin can be used to produce jams and jelly. During the production process, it is mainly employed to keep jelly and jam solid.

Many fruits contain pectin. Take apple as an example. An apple usually contains 1% to 1.5% of the nutrient. The medical research has found that irritable bowel syndrome can be effectively alleviated if the patients eat apples moderately every day.

In our daily life, we can also eat apples frequently to keep ourselves healthy. At present, many people like to store fruits in their refrigerators so as to keep the fruits fresh. Before we put the fruits in the refrigerators, we should add pectin powder to protect the freshness and nutrition of fruits.

Pectin may help promote healthy cholesterol levels, according to a study published in the “European Journal of Clinical Nutrition” Livestrong

Nowadays, pectin can even be used to produce bread. Extracted from the dried skin of oranges, it can effectively increase the volume of bread, enhance the absorption to water and increase the weight of the dough. At the same time, it can improve the freshness, softness, and stability of the dough. In addition, it can also prolong the quality guarantee period of bread.

Many factors can affect the quality guarantee period. The most important factor is the crystallization of starch. The addition of pectin can adjust the softness of bread to prolong the quality guarantee period. It can also be used to produce towelettes for babies to protect their skin, woundplasts for normal people to accelerate the recovery of wounds and cosmetics for women to resist radiation caused by ultraviolet rays. It is also added into ink to prevent sedimentation.

black plum
Fresh Peaches
7 Truths You’ll Want to Know About Fruit Jams 🔊

7 Truths You’ll Want to Know About Fruit Jams 🔊

By knowing the truth about fruit jams you will be able to make positive, healthy decisions, and choices when it comes to your diet. The choices you make today for yourself and your family will define their eating habits for generations.