Luna Travels for the Holidays
My humans call this month December. I remember because we start our travels and I get to wear a coat.
There is always a great deal of visiting and I see human friends that I don’t usually see everyday.
Sometimes there are gatherings and I am lucky to get a crunchy broccoli slipped to me, or even a sweet cookie, which I’m not supposed to have.
Sometimes they bring a tree into the house, sometimes not. At times it is a bit much, so I just nap for a bit.
From there we traveled on to Milwaukee, Wisconsin where I greeted a bowl of fresh water and some very nice bones at the hotel entrance provided by the staff.
They even had a Human and Pup lounge where we could all sit on the couch and enjoy breakfast together. Very Impressive!
From there is was on to relax with relatives in Chicago, Illinois.  From what I can gather from my humans talking, the architecture in these cities is something quite special.
I don’t know why Benny won’t come to the farm anymore in the mud, but we still have much going on before the winter and he likes to play.
So I guess for now it’s okay. I can show him everything toward the end of the month.
Our travels will continue into the new year to various places in the United States. Mostly in the south.
I will try to keep up with my writings, but if I am at the beach, well then I am at the beach digging up those spitting things.
Chris and Benny will remain close to home. I don’t know if Ben likes to travel, I will ask him when I see him next.
I hope your December and your travels this season are safe and bring you to places with people who are grateful for your company. Remember when you visit bring a thank you gift. It’s important being hospitable no matter how rushed you are.
Chris says jam is a nice thank you offering. I say you will never be forgotten if you bring enough dog treats for everyone! (Chris says I’m right!)
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