Tag: buy jam

Sunny Days

Sunny Days

Luna in the Sunshine

Sunny Days are Meant for Dogs

Sunny days are meant for me is what I wanted to say. Is there anything more wonderful this time of year? The air is thick and dry, just a little bit of running and you are ready for a nice cold drink of water and a cool piece of ground to lay on. The sun just shining its warmth on your face. Could anything be more perfect? To be honest I do prefer my cold water from a clean container and I have a raised bed on the farm so I don’t have to lay in the dirt. Ben, however, will drink from the pond and lay in the dirt, he seems to enjoy his spot. I enjoy mine. We do agree on sharing the warm sunshine though.

The men came that make the electric go from the tall stick in the ground to the barn and made it work. Everyone is happy, and now the box that blows cold air is working, and our water now comes out of a long snake-like thing called a hose. It’s very cold water. I have watched my human Paul attaching things to it and telling Chris where the sink will go. I am guessing this will be the kitchen where they intend on creating crunchy broccoli and asparagus treats for me. I still have not gotten any this year, but a fan of our jam did send some very nice chews that Chris said help keep my teeth clean. So whoever you are thank you!

luna skid steer

I have been helping my human companion Markus clear another area just outside the barn. There are so many rocks I wonder where they all keep coming from. It does look much better already. There was nothing but tall swamp grass and rotten stumps there before. I’m not certain if I will have my companions plant more harvest-able items or maybe just some grass. A driveway might be nice there so on rainy days I can be let out just at the barn and not have to run through it. We’ll see, I have not made my mind up yet.

I heard that Chris is planning to take September off from his regular markets in Goshen and New Hampton.  I made arrangements with some of his market associates who will offer our jam in his absence. Of course, I made sure he got the online store open, so there’s that option. I don’t know what date he is planning to take his short leave but I’ll make note of it.

I hope you take some time to enjoy the sunshine, I promise you will love every minute of it warming your face! Just a thought, when meeting a new friend for the first time (whether animal or human) it is wise to properly introduce yourself prior to physical interaction. We all have boundaries that should be respected.

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The Fox and the Grapes

The Fox and the Grapes

We Have a New Visitor on the Farm

My humans don’t think I know, but I can smell it. There is a new visitor to the farm. The kind that looks like one of my relatives got stuck together with one of those unpredictable hissing things they call a cat and made puppies. Humans call these things Foxes. While they are timid things, for the most part, I don’t trust them.

They will attempt to eat other visitors that cause mischief on the farm, even those things that play dead. In that aspect these Fox things are good, but they spread fleas terrible and sometimes rabies and I for one don’t want either.

Thankfully I have not had to waste my energy chasing it off the farm, but I know it’s there. I can only hope Ben doesn’t see it.

As usual, we have been very busy. I can’t believe a whole month has gone by. I have not seen much of Chris, the Jam Maker. It is a busy time of year for him. My humans have been working on the roads and buildings here. We are finally ready for the electric to be turned on. Now that the weather is a bit cooler I don’t know if i’ll need that box in the wall that blows cold air. Although I’m sure there will be a few more hot days to come.

I am pretty sure it is a crunchy treat time of year. I love these things they call broccoli and asparagus. It’s like grass or baby pine trees only better, and it doesn’t bother your stomach. I hope someone brings me some very soon.

Luna BackyardAs for the fields, they look good to me, although some did brown a bit after the past rains. But it looks like they are coming back just fine. I remember hearing something about fireplace ashes for around the plants so I guess that is something my Human companions will be doing. I am impressed that our grapes look so nice this year. I guess like most things they just needed some extra attention to really shine.

The nice-looking grapevines bring me back to the fox, which is where I started. I recall an old human story that has been passed down even though my kind about a fox who was trying to eat some birds that were eating grapes. I have heard some humans call it the sour grape story. Well, I don’t remember exactly how the story goes but do recall the lesson: Only a fool will despise what he cannot have. The wise will appreciate not having it. I will have to nap on that thought, it is a human story and human logic doesn’t always make a lot of sense.

I hope you are enjoying your warm months and are taking belly rubs often! Remember to have your nails clipped before going on vacation. When they are unkempt they are unsightly and a danger to you and others.


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For Immediate Release-LunaGrown Jams the Internet with Tradition

For Immediate Release-LunaGrown Jams the Internet with Tradition


LunaGrown Jams the Internet with Traditional Favorites

Contact: Christopher Wilson, chris@lunagrown.com

We are pleased to announce that LunaGrown is taking a giant leap forward and available for online purchase in the United States.

After two fantastic seasons of unparalleled success, we have decided to take advantage of new opportunities. This year, you will still see your favorite LunaGrown Jams: free from artificial ingredients and additives, full of flavor and a healthy choice in Jam. Our mission to bring you a traditionally made jam product and retain a positive image remain strong. We are proud to begin expanding to cities and towns across America.

With a new year and a new location, LunaGrown will also be making some changes. While our production remains the same, it is our intent to expand our line of traditionally made jams suited to the Nation’s Regional interests. With the availability of LunaGrown online, Americans may once again enjoy the custom of small batch jams in their homes.

We look forward to continuing our great relationship with our local community, farmers, fellow artisans, and all of our fans-with spring just around the corner, we will be in full gear both at the farm and in the kitchen. Everyone at LunaGrown, is committed to making this year’s opportunities memorable.

Our list of local retailers continues to grow and refine itself. We are thankful to the fine artisans that use LunaGrown as part of their production when creating gourmet foods. We are also proud to have so many visionaries support our efforts in bringing tradition back to our homes and families.

For more information, please visit www.LunaGrown.com

We look forward to seeing you at this Summer’s Markets!