Tag: Jelly

Remaking the Classic American Sandwich 馃攰

Remaking the Classic American Sandwich 馃攰

American Sandwich

Remaking the Classic American Sandwich

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are truly an American classic. For some of us, it’s time the sandwich grew up like we did. Just a few thoughts on bringing your sandwich to the palatable place you want it.聽Guaranteed to revitalize your faith in the P, B and J tradition.

1. Ditch the jelly. Jams and preserves have a little more body to them; they spread evenly onto your sandwich and most importantly they contain fiber. Fiber will help your body keep your sugars at a normal level, avoiding the unhealthy peaks that some jellies lend themselves too. 聽Jams and preserves come in many flavors and variations as well. Substitute in some strawberry, blueberry聽or raspberry preserves instead of your typical grape flavors.

2. Make your own nut butter! Most peanut butters consumers buy are loaded with additional fat, sugars, and in some cases preservatives.聽When you combine that with a truckload of calories, your simple sandwich isn’t looking so appetizing anymore! Fear not, however, for all natural ingredients are coming to the rescue. Buy your favorite nuts and process them in the food processor, use a minute amount of coconut oil (the firm kind) or a few pats of butter. This will supply the natural nut oils and deliver a heaping dose of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats: fatty acids that are vital for your health!

3. Now that two bases have been covered, it is time to bring it home with the bread. Quality bread products made from healthy whole grains, fibers, and proteins will聽keep you energized with good, complex carbohydrates throughout the day.聽A whole grain or nut bread can only add to your taste experience.

The sandwich is complete! Remember, though, that a picture speaks a thousand words. Presentation is everything these days, and that square little sandwich is your canvas. For the timid, try a diagonal slice instead of your standard rectangle. For the more energetic, go for quarters!

A true champion, however, will break out the cookie cutters and really start getting creative. Nothing is quite as patriotic as a plateful of star-shaped peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, served up fresh on a national holiday.

Blueberry 8oz LunaGrown
Jam, Jelly, Preserves, What’s the Difference

Jam, Jelly, Preserves, What’s the Difference

difference in preserves

Jam, Jelly, Preserves, What’s the Difference

Jam,聽jelly,聽preserves and conserves;聽fruit聽spreads and butters and Marmalades, oh my! These are just some of the terms associated with preserved聽fruit聽products. It’s a real wonder that something as simple as preserved聽fruit聽could be so complicated.

According to convention and common knowledge…

Jelly: Just the juice, nothing but the juice. And聽sugar. No seeds, whole berries or chunks of聽fruit. Clear and well-jelled.

Jam: Crushed, pur茅ed or chopped聽fruit聽cooked down with聽sugar. A soft, chunk-free pulp.

Preserve: Chopped or whole聽fruit聽cooked with聽sugar聽until a syrupy base able to suspend the聽fruit聽chunks develops.

Conserve: A preserve made with more than one聽fruit, often including raisins and nuts. Sometimes a conserve refers to a more thickly-stewed preserve.

Fruit Spread
: A recent addition to the jam aisle,聽fruit聽spreads began as reduced-calorie products made with alternative sweeteners and聽fruit聽juice concentrates.

Fruit Butter: Fruit pur茅es slowly cooked down with聽sugar, lemon juices and spices to a smooth, soft consistency.

Marmalade: A soft, typically citrus-based jelly. The sweet jelly balances the bitterness of the citrus peels, which are included along with the聽fruit聽pulp.

Blackberry Lemon Thyme pot

According to the FDA…

In the United States, some jam and jelly related terms are regulated and some are not.

Regulated products and product names include Jam, Preserve, Jelly and Fruit Butter:

This means that products with these names have to conform to certain specifications and recipes. For instance, a product called “Jelly” must contain at least 65 percent water soluble solids (sugar) and must be made with聽fruit聽juices or concentrates. “Preserves” and “Jams” (interchangeable聽FDA聽terms), must contain at least 65 percent聽sugar聽and 45 percent聽fruit. If a product does not meet these requirements, it must be called by another name. For example, some Fruit Spreads are only 44 percent聽sugar, so the cannot be labeled “Jams” or “Preserves.”

A Matter of Sugar:聽One of the defining specifications for jams and related products is the total聽sugar聽content. This includes the聽sugar聽present in the聽fruit聽and the聽sugar聽added through cane聽sugar聽or concentrates and syrups.聽 This is often referred to as “soluble solids” or “Brix.” For example, if 10 grams of聽sugar聽are added to 90 grams of water, the resulting 100 grams of聽sugar聽solution are said to have a Brix of 10 or a soluble solids content of 10% (i.e. 10%聽sugar聽by weight). Similarly, a聽fruit聽preserve should have a Brix measurement of 65 (or 65%聽sugar聽by weight = 65 grams of聽sugar聽in 100 grams of preserve).

More on sugar:

Organic cane聽sugar聽is obtained from the juice of a聽sugar聽cane plant. The sugarcane is harvested and once the plant juice is pressed out of the stalks and heated to a boil, the resulting syrup is then processed into granular聽sugar. Granulated organic cane聽sugar聽contains about 99.6 percent聽sugar. Similarly, grape juice concentrate is made from the juice of white grapes which have been pressed. Once the pressed juice is boiled to evaporate the remaining water, the resulting syrup contains 68 -70 percent sugars.
Organic cane聽sugar聽consists primarily of sucrose. Sucrose, in turn is made of one half glucose and one half fructose – two molecules stuck together. When cane聽sugar聽is heated during the process of making a conserve, almost all of the sucrose splits apart into single molecules of fructose and glucose. White grape concentrate consists mainly of a mixture of fructose and glucose, and this does not change during the cooking process. Ultimately, this means that the 44 percent soluble solids content in both conserves and spreads is made of virtually the same amount and kinds of sugars!

LunaGrown Jam Subscription
Blackberry mint Jam