Tag: luna blog

All About Benny – Part One

All About Benny – Part One

All About Benny - Part One 1

About Benny

I’ll tell you what I can about Benny. When it gets too tough, I’ll stop and start again another day.

It’s been some time since I’ve written, really life got busy. When life calls we have to tend it. That’s a dog’s job, to tend to things. We tend our humans, we tend to our fields, our homes, we keep them safe and happy. I’m writing because this needs to be remembered. Benny and I are cut of the same cloth, we knew from the beginning when things just click and it’s as if there wasn’t a before time, it’s just as it’s always been like he’s always been here.

My friend has been limping, his back leg hurts, although you wouldn’t know it. He runs as fast as ever and jumps into the work vehicles, he and Chris still go on long walks. But all this he’s doing on three legs now.

Benny told me he didn’t like the visit to the vet, they pinched his leg and gave him a needle. He said they were not gentle humans. Chris gives him pills now for something called Lyme disease. All the humans seem a little anxious so my human Paul will take my friend Benny to a doctor in Manhattan and maybe soon he can use all his legs.

Bennyit’s odd looking at the fields now in the fall, you can see parts of the plants die back quicker than the others. Some will sleep and come back in the spring rested after a winter’s nap and be ready to bloom and produce great joy. Others won’t return.

My human Paul say’s my friend Ben might have a torn muscle from overdoing it. That means from being a showoff. My other human Markus will take Ben and Chris to see the surgeon next week so they can fix him.

Things will be fine, everyone says ‘Things will be fine” and they usually are, just sometimes a bit different.

Here you can find my first mention of Benny, but we had been friends for 4 years by this time.

*Note from the Jam Maker. Benny was originally diagnosed with Lyme Disease in August of 2016 via a blood test after medication showed no improvement he was taken to additional veterinarians and specialists. On September 5th 2016 Ben was diagnosed with osteosarcoma and his X-Rays showed a great deal of bone loss due to the cancer. Benny stayed active and with the help of medication mostly pain free. Benny died peacefully at home, with assistance from his veterinarian in late February 2017.  Luna will tell his story best she can as he is as much LunaGrown as she.

Ben and Luna of LunaGrown

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Small Pleasures Bring Great Joy

Small Pleasures Bring Great Joy

Ben and Luna simple pleasures

The Joy of Good Company

Benny finally made it up to the farm this week for a visit. He is my friend and lives with his human companion Chris. With our busy schedules we don’t get to visit as often as we would like so we make the most of it. Which is important in any friendship. I showed Ben what has been accomplished in our kitchen area and he agreed that everything is going along smoothly. He congratulated me on the progress and the ability to keep my humans happy during such an undertaking. We agree it is important that they are walked daily or at least take time to exercise by throwing a ball.

Paper Wasp on red currantWe spent a good deal of time inspecting the fields and discussing the lack of rain. Ben was amazed at how low the water was in the pond and how dry some of the berry plants looked. We have seen this before though and every year is a new experience. Later in the day Markus took us for a ride in the open car that only goes on the farm. It is our favorite thing to do. Sometimes we’ll just sit on the front seat together hoping one of our human companions gets the hint! Usually they do, but they don’t always, like the hint about the crunchy broccoli and asparagus I’ve been mentioning.

Ben and I run so much we usually rest on the cool floor outside the barn in the afternoon, although it was so nice to see him I shared my raised farm bed with him. Ben and I have known each other for more years than I have dupe paws. Time really does not matter though when you have good company to enjoy it with. I am very glad all my humans get along. Of course we can’t get along with everyone, some creatures have butts that just don’t smell right and you can’t trust them.

Ben at LunaGrownBen mentioned how exciting it is for him to see my humans, Paul and Markus, as he does not often get human visitors at his home. He said there are some that walk by and he calls to them to stop and visit. He said they get this scared look and back away. It seems the cats there feel the same way. He commented that a human in a brown truck stops by and leaves packages but won’t visit either. I explained to him those are called UPS humans and they are afraid of our kind so he should stop asking him to play.

Ben and I finished our conversation over a bowl of cool water. We talked of our upcoming plans for the fall. We agreed we need to try to get afternoons together more often. Although we both understand the busy lives of our humans and look forward to days ahead.

Always cherish the moments you have with those that bring you the smallest amount of joy! Remember, it’s better to ride with the wind in your face, than to put your head out the side window and watch the world go by. You can share that wisdom with a friend!


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