Tag: Luna

Summer is Here

Summer is Here

Luna of LunaGrown

Summer Has Arrived

June certainly bloomed into summer, didn’t it? The past few weeks have been hot ones. Perfect for morning romps and afternoon naps though. The evenings have just been beautiful on the farm and in the city. One of the best things about the warmer months is all the incredible things to smell, from street vendors in the city with their exotic foods and wares to flowers and berries, bear poop and new baby pine trees up on the farm.

We are continuing to work on our building and cannot wait to begin the interior. For the most part, everything is moving as planned with only a few bumps. As you can see the patio is a wonderfully cool spot to rest on.

The new grapes are looking very healthy and we are all working diligently to make sure they are off to a good start. I have my human companions on a strict inspection schedule this year for all the plants. With a little effort and forethought on my part, I’m sure they can manage an abundant harvest.

It seems that I have done a pretty good job at keeping the deer and groundhogs at bay. My human companion, Paul did hang these things in the field that smell like wash bars. The things humans use to clean themselves with rather than their tongues. I think they are called soaps. Anyway, they seem to help. I don’t know how maybe the deer don’t like human baths. I think they are fun on occasion.

Luna and ben in field

So this is the holiday humans shoot sparkly things into the air and make a bunch of noise. Not one of my favorite times as all that noise does not create rain like nature intended, and it just scares the birds and my fellow dog brethren. The only saving grace is there are always people dropping ice cream, and other goodies that sometimes go unnoticed. Although my companions keep a pretty sharp eye on me.

As I mentioned this will be a vacation week for all of us. Chris’s last market for the week will be Tuesday, July 1st at Bialas Farms and I told him to take the rest of the week to himself and mow his yard or something. My companions and I are off to the Berkshires to see James Taylor. As a service girl, I am honored to be attending. I know that things just would not go smoothly without me there. I like James Taylor too so it should be an enjoyable experience.

Be kind to my brothers and sisters when you shoot those sparkly things into the air this holiday, some of us don’t handle it as well as others.

Treat each other well and may your mud holes be cool and free from wasps!

Luna on the front porch

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Luna Reports Spring On The Farm

Luna Reports Spring On The Farm

Luna Reports Spring On The Farm 1

Luna Girl’s Thoughts on Spring at the Farm

I should begin by saying it’s been a wonderful spring into summer this year. We’ve really had some wonderfully pleasant days. Even the deer and the gopher must be pleased as they haven’t done their usual damage and have found other nice things to eat.

Bull Frog

We are loaded with both snapping turtles and painted turtles this year. The pond is just brimming with life as the bullfrogs are back and many small tadpoles that will become grass frogs are numerous. Sometimes early in the morning, you can see a fish or two jump. Like I said it’s been an amazing spring into summer. We hope this continues.

Sadly we lost a few grapevines this year due to the extreme cold. However, they have been replaced and look to have a strong and healthy beginning. Mother Nature can sure be tricky sometimes. Our currants, both red and black seem to be fairing well and our gooseberries are abundant! They have a lot of prickers though, so I can’t get my nose in them to find out if they are good to eat or not.

Construction continues on the barn and kitchen. With all the new people showing up I get extra attention and sometimes a few biscuits. Of course, greeting all these new people sometimes just wears me out and I have to rest in the shade. But a girl’s gotta make sure the guys hanging around are there to get the job done.

July will be busy for all of us with the harvest of the fruit and keeping up on the fields. I will make sure the deer and gopher stay their distance.  There isn’t a lot of downtime now for romping but I’m doing my best to fit that into the schedule as well.

We will be taking the Independence Holiday for enjoyment and I’ve told Chris that he should do the same as July is shaping up to be a busy month.

As always
May your tummy be full and your flea collar working!

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Who is Luna

Who is Luna

Luna Girl at Miami Beach

Who Is Luna of LunaGrown

There are times when people amaze me. Sometimes in a good way and sometimes in a not-so-good way. I have been asked more times than not;  “Does LunaGrown grow their fruit only under the light of the moon?.”  You can go ahead and re-read that sentence.

I used to answer the question with a clear “No” and a long explanation. Then I offered up the answer of “Indeed we do and we let the magic fairies sprinkle them with sweetness”. These days I just say yes, that’s exactly what we do, we keep all the fruit covered until the moon is out.

Truth be known. Luna is a pup. The company was named after her. Luna was the first to discover the acres of wild blueberries on the farmland, which started us on this journey. Hence the name LunaGrown.

Luna girl is a rescue pup from a shelter in the Bronx, NY. Very little is known of her living situation prior to adoption, other than some children were not very nice to her and like most rescue pups she was dehydrated, to say the least. Luna is a very social girl and has her favorite Manhattan restaurants where she sits outside with her human companions and watches people. She gets to travel quite a bit, enjoying the country, the city, and the beach.

On the farm Luna has a special playmate, his name is Benny. Ben is also a rescue pup. Adopted from the Chelsea Vet Clinic in Manhattan. Again not much is known of Benny’s life before adoption other than his extensive medical records. Ben is a country dog and spends his time either at the farm with his girl Luna or at home with the jam maker. Ben loves chasing squirrels, and birds when at home. He also has a sweet tooth!

Luna and Ben often will wait for one another’s arrival at the farm by sitting on the pond berm overlooking the road. They run the fields, jump the irrigation lines, swim, and play without much care. They wrestle as if they were brother and sister, and share what seems to be deep-rooted respect for one another.

We are very proud to have Luna Girl as our company’s namesake. Just like LunaGrown, she brings a smile, even on the gloomiest days.

Ben and Luna with the Jam Maker
Luna and ben in field
Ben and Luna of LunaGrown