Tag: luna’s blog

The Sweetest Holiday Travels For a Pup Named Luna

The Sweetest Holiday Travels For a Pup Named Luna

Luna Iron Horse Hotel Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Luna Travels for the Holidays

My humans call this month December. I remember because we start our travels and I get to wear a coat.

There is always a great deal of visiting and I see human friends that I don’t usually see everyday.

Sometimes there are gatherings and I am lucky to get a crunchy broccoli slipped to me, or even a sweet cookie, which I’m not supposed to have.

Sometimes they bring a tree into the house, sometimes not. At times it is a bit much, so I just nap for a bit.

Luna travels to the Westin hotel Detroit, MichiganFor the human turkey and potato gathering our travels took us to the Mid-west to visit with relatives. The ride through the rolling mountains of Pennsylvania is always very nice. There was a very large and beautiful tree in Detroit, Michigan.

From there we traveled on to Milwaukee, Wisconsin where I greeted a bowl of fresh water and some very nice bones at the hotel entrance provided by the staff.

They even had a Human and Pup lounge where we could all sit on the couch and enjoy breakfast together. Very Impressive!

From there is was on to relax with relatives in Chicago, Illinois.  From what I can gather from my humans talking, the architecture in these cities is something quite special.

Luna Travels to Downtown DetroitAfter our enjoyable visits, it was back to New York. The wet snow came to the farm, but by the time I got there it was just mud.

I don’t know why Benny won’t come to the farm anymore in the mud, but we still have much going on before the winter and he likes to play.

So I guess for now it’s okay. I can show him everything toward the end of the month.

Our travels will continue into the new year to various places in the United States. Mostly in the south.

I will try to keep up with my writings, but if I am at the beach, well then I am at the beach digging up those spitting things.

Chris and Benny will remain close to home. I don’t know if Ben likes to travel, I will ask him when I see him next.

I hope your December and your travels this season are safe and bring you to places with people who are grateful for your company. Remember when you visit bring a thank you gift. It’s important being hospitable no matter how rushed you are.

Chris says jam is a nice thank you offering. I say you will never be forgotten if you bring enough dog treats for everyone! (Chris says I’m right!)

The Sweetest Holiday Travels For a Pup Named Luna 1

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Warm November Days

Warm November Days

Luna Vacation Nap

Warm November Days and Cool Enchanted Evenings

Is it just me or does November seem full of things to smell. The farm smells strong of pine and leaves, of things in the ground I didn’t notice this past spring. It has been warm with only a few days of cold really. When it gets cold the smells will change again, some will be even stronger. It really is an amazing thing this life, so many treats from nature.

When I was walking last week I smelled smoke. I like a nice fire at home, but when you are in the woods in can be somewhat alarming. Not all humans are responsible. But it was just someone burning wood to heat their home. Also I smelled apples, I don’t really care to eat them but they do smell interesting when they start to rot, just like pumpkins.

Poop, there is more poop smells too. Don’t tell Benny though, he’ll roll in it. I think there is more poop as other animals are still storing food and finishing their winter homes. Or just running and exercising this nice November. Either way there is more animal poop smells than there was this spring.

Poor Benny with these few warm days. You see he loves to run and then play in the leaves, with these warm days the fleas have their parties and they just love Ben. They actually love his rump. I know because I saw some there when I was saying hello to him. I hope his human takes care of this very quickly.

Farm Road LunaGrownI have been enjoying my travels and progress at the farm continues. The roads are looking to be in good condition for this winter. Chris is close to scheduling the kitchen inspection with the state. My companions have installed a gate so people don’t accidentally visit and get lost. Oh and that box in the wall that blows cold air, well it also blows hot air! Perfect for the cool evenings!

Soon it will be that time when strangers make loud noises in the woods. I think it is called hunting. I don’t like it. I don’t like the noises and you can never tell where they are coming from. My companions put notices up all over the farm, but you never know. We found litter last week. If I hear loud noises I know to go to the car or the barn. I don’t know if Ben has hear the noises yet. I will make sure to warn him.

Soon it will be cold in the evenings and the smells will change, the stars will be even brighter and the night sky crisp. It is beautiful to enjoy!

I hope you take the time to experience each moment, as they go by so quickly, and each one is full of magic! You can tell your human friends I said so!

Warm November Days 2

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Into the Autumn

Into the Autumn

LunaGrown Luna Napping

Autumn is Upon Us

At the farm, Autumn means it’s time to start preparing for next spring. Well in a way that’s what it means. During the cold winter months when the ground is frozen very little can be done with the soil, the equipment is too cold to work on, and no planting can be done. So Autumn is a very active time.

LunaGrown Family Autumn expansionWe had some relatives visit us this month and assist in the expansion of the grape fields. My humans have found that spring planting is much easier if the support lines and irrigation are set now and ready to go come planting time. I was exhausted after a day of supervising them, but they did a great job! The expansion they worked on means an additional 125 or 150 grapevines. The additional help was greatly appreciated and we had an enjoyable visit as well.

Also, I have been assisting my human Markus as he clears the lower field near the barn. This was an extensive clearing of rocks, brush, and stumps, but we’ve got it pretty well under control. Chris built the biggest cat box I have ever seen in the field there. I’m looking forward to having it filled with sand and cats, lots and lots of rotten pretty cats.  I have not quite decided what should happen in this field yet. My human companions and I are still discussing it, but I’ll let you know.

LunaGrown Lower Field in AutumnI have kept Paul busy, as this is the best time to put down grass seed and lime. I know some that will disagree and they should know they are wrong, ask any dog. The best time for grass seed if you want it to come up in the spring is after the first frost in the Autumn. We’ve had a few light touches of frost already, thankfully not a good hard frost yet as Chris still needs to wrap the fig trees and raspberries since they are still young.

Paul has also been working extensively on the barn and future kitchen. It seems the lazy hazy days of summer are behind us all for this year.

The only one who really has to work through the winter is Chris, as he is responsible for making jam for everyone to enjoy through the winter season. I can’t wait for vacation days. We still have a lot to accomplish before then though.

Ben has been visiting on weekends and you would think he never gets out, he’s so full of energy. Today I dared him to roll in bear scat and he did it! It was under his collar and behind his ears and down his neck! Who’s the stinker now Benny? He had to get a bath out behind the barn with a hose. No one was very happy about this, and everyone said I was a smart good girl for not getting any on me.

Work hard while you can, it’s good for your mind and your soul. Remember, don’t go home with scat under your collar others will know where you’ve been and what you’ve been up too. Sometimes in life, it’s best, just to let shit lie.

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Sunny Days

Sunny Days

Luna in the Sunshine

Sunny Days are Meant for Dogs

Sunny days are meant for me is what I wanted to say. Is there anything more wonderful this time of year? The air is thick and dry, just a little bit of running and you are ready for a nice cold drink of water and a cool piece of ground to lay on. The sun just shining its warmth on your face. Could anything be more perfect? To be honest I do prefer my cold water from a clean container and I have a raised bed on the farm so I don’t have to lay in the dirt. Ben, however, will drink from the pond and lay in the dirt, he seems to enjoy his spot. I enjoy mine. We do agree on sharing the warm sunshine though.

The men came that make the electric go from the tall stick in the ground to the barn and made it work. Everyone is happy, and now the box that blows cold air is working, and our water now comes out of a long snake-like thing called a hose. It’s very cold water. I have watched my human Paul attaching things to it and telling Chris where the sink will go. I am guessing this will be the kitchen where they intend on creating crunchy broccoli and asparagus treats for me. I still have not gotten any this year, but a fan of our jam did send some very nice chews that Chris said help keep my teeth clean. So whoever you are thank you!

luna skid steer

I have been helping my human companion Markus clear another area just outside the barn. There are so many rocks I wonder where they all keep coming from. It does look much better already. There was nothing but tall swamp grass and rotten stumps there before. I’m not certain if I will have my companions plant more harvest-able items or maybe just some grass. A driveway might be nice there so on rainy days I can be let out just at the barn and not have to run through it. We’ll see, I have not made my mind up yet.

I heard that Chris is planning to take September off from his regular markets in Goshen and New Hampton.  I made arrangements with some of his market associates who will offer our jam in his absence. Of course, I made sure he got the online store open, so there’s that option. I don’t know what date he is planning to take his short leave but I’ll make note of it.

I hope you take some time to enjoy the sunshine, I promise you will love every minute of it warming your face! Just a thought, when meeting a new friend for the first time (whether animal or human) it is wise to properly introduce yourself prior to physical interaction. We all have boundaries that should be respected.

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The Fox and the Grapes

The Fox and the Grapes

We Have a New Visitor on the Farm

My humans don’t think I know, but I can smell it. There is a new visitor to the farm. The kind that looks like one of my relatives got stuck together with one of those unpredictable hissing things they call a cat and made puppies. Humans call these things Foxes. While they are timid things, for the most part, I don’t trust them.

They will attempt to eat other visitors that cause mischief on the farm, even those things that play dead. In that aspect these Fox things are good, but they spread fleas terrible and sometimes rabies and I for one don’t want either.

Thankfully I have not had to waste my energy chasing it off the farm, but I know it’s there. I can only hope Ben doesn’t see it.

As usual, we have been very busy. I can’t believe a whole month has gone by. I have not seen much of Chris, the Jam Maker. It is a busy time of year for him. My humans have been working on the roads and buildings here. We are finally ready for the electric to be turned on. Now that the weather is a bit cooler I don’t know if i’ll need that box in the wall that blows cold air. Although I’m sure there will be a few more hot days to come.

I am pretty sure it is a crunchy treat time of year. I love these things they call broccoli and asparagus. It’s like grass or baby pine trees only better, and it doesn’t bother your stomach. I hope someone brings me some very soon.

Luna BackyardAs for the fields, they look good to me, although some did brown a bit after the past rains. But it looks like they are coming back just fine. I remember hearing something about fireplace ashes for around the plants so I guess that is something my Human companions will be doing. I am impressed that our grapes look so nice this year. I guess like most things they just needed some extra attention to really shine.

The nice-looking grapevines bring me back to the fox, which is where I started. I recall an old human story that has been passed down even though my kind about a fox who was trying to eat some birds that were eating grapes. I have heard some humans call it the sour grape story. Well, I don’t remember exactly how the story goes but do recall the lesson: Only a fool will despise what he cannot have. The wise will appreciate not having it. I will have to nap on that thought, it is a human story and human logic doesn’t always make a lot of sense.

I hope you are enjoying your warm months and are taking belly rubs often! Remember to have your nails clipped before going on vacation. When they are unkempt they are unsightly and a danger to you and others.


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About Rain and Mud Holes

About Rain and Mud Holes

Luna in the woods

About Rain and Mud Holes

Remember what I mentioned about mud holes? I think maybe I forgot to wish that they were not so abundant. We certainly did get a crop of summer storms last week, and my extraordinary senses tell me we’re in for some more this week. I don’t know if they will be as strong, but yes some more summer pop up rain.

That’s the thing with farming isn’t it, sometimes there’s too much rain and sometimes there isn’t enough. I think we fared pretty well. Certainly the birds were happy. I watched them eat their fill of those crawly little things my human companions smash. They call them bugs. I don’t like them either, so I don’t think I would eat them on purpose. I don’t like the ones that land on my back, you can never catch them fast enough to get a good bite back. I hope the birds eat them all.

elecMy human Markus worked all this past week digging ditches, even with the challenges the rain presented he rose to the occasion. I thought it was for the rain to go in, but I heard them mention electric. I know that means a box in the wall that blows cold air when it’s warm out. I’m glad they are working on that for me. I will hint that it would be nice to have a tall cold box that produces crunchy broccoli. My Favorite!

So this is the thing they put in the ground. I sniffed all around it but can’t tell what it is exactly. Ben might know when he comes to visit next. I know Ben does not like baths too well and likes to get mud in the bed so he has not been to visit this past week or two.

If I had to guess, this thing is what makes the cold air box work. I don’t concern myself with the how and why. But it is an interesting new addition isn’t it.  I’m sure it will be fun to leave my scent on once it’s not so muddy.

I am considering asking my humans for some time back in the city lights, just a few days until the ground dries out up here. Even the grass in some areas is too tall to really enjoy unless you are a frog. It will be a nice change

I hope your cold air box is working well and the sun is greeting your mornings!

Luna in the skid steer

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