Tag: Jam

Warm November Days

Warm November Days

Luna Vacation Nap

Warm November Days and Cool Enchanted Evenings

Is it just me or does November seem full of things to smell. The farm smells strong of pine and leaves, of things in the ground I didn’t notice this past spring. It has been warm with only a few days of cold really. When it gets cold the smells will change again, some will be even stronger. It really is an amazing thing this life, so many treats from nature.

When I was walking last week I smelled smoke. I like a nice fire at home, but when you are in the woods in can be somewhat alarming. Not all humans are responsible. But it was just someone burning wood to heat their home. Also I smelled apples, I don’t really care to eat them but they do smell interesting when they start to rot, just like pumpkins.

Poop, there is more poop smells too. Don’t tell Benny though, he’ll roll in it. I think there is more poop as other animals are still storing food and finishing their winter homes. Or just running and exercising this nice November. Either way there is more animal poop smells than there was this spring.

Poor Benny with these few warm days. You see he loves to run and then play in the leaves, with these warm days the fleas have their parties and they just love Ben. They actually love his rump. I know because I saw some there when I was saying hello to him. I hope his human takes care of this very quickly.

Farm Road LunaGrownI have been enjoying my travels and progress at the farm continues. The roads are looking to be in good condition for this winter. Chris is close to scheduling the kitchen inspection with the state. My companions have installed a gate so people don’t accidentally visit and get lost. Oh and that box in the wall that blows cold air, well it also blows hot air! Perfect for the cool evenings!

Soon it will be that time when strangers make loud noises in the woods. I think it is called hunting. I don’t like it. I don’t like the noises and you can never tell where they are coming from. My companions put notices up all over the farm, but you never know. We found litter last week. If I hear loud noises I know to go to the car or the barn. I don’t know if Ben has hear the noises yet. I will make sure to warn him.

Soon it will be cold in the evenings and the smells will change, the stars will be even brighter and the night sky crisp. It is beautiful to enjoy!

I hope you take the time to experience each moment, as they go by so quickly, and each one is full of magic! You can tell your human friends I said so!

Warm November Days 1

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Are Your Social Gatherings Meeting Your Guests Expectations?

Are Your Social Gatherings Meeting Your Guests Expectations?

LunaGrown can offer you some pointers on a clear path to a well-planned social gathering. We are not talking about a large reception by any means but a small social get-together. The same suggestions would also apply for a more intimate gathering.

Small Pleasures Bring Great Joy

Small Pleasures Bring Great Joy

Ben and Luna simple pleasures

The Joy of Good Company

Benny finally made it up to the farm this week for a visit. He is my friend and lives with his human companion Chris. With our busy schedules we don’t get to visit as often as we would like so we make the most of it. Which is important in any friendship. I showed Ben what has been accomplished in our kitchen area and he agreed that everything is going along smoothly. He congratulated me on the progress and the ability to keep my humans happy during such an undertaking. We agree it is important that they are walked daily or at least take time to exercise by throwing a ball.

Paper Wasp on red currantWe spent a good deal of time inspecting the fields and discussing the lack of rain. Ben was amazed at how low the water was in the pond and how dry some of the berry plants looked. We have seen this before though and every year is a new experience. Later in the day Markus took us for a ride in the open car that only goes on the farm. It is our favorite thing to do. Sometimes we’ll just sit on the front seat together hoping one of our human companions gets the hint! Usually they do, but they don’t always, like the hint about the crunchy broccoli and asparagus I’ve been mentioning.

Ben and I run so much we usually rest on the cool floor outside the barn in the afternoon, although it was so nice to see him I shared my raised farm bed with him. Ben and I have known each other for more years than I have dupe paws. Time really does not matter though when you have good company to enjoy it with. I am very glad all my humans get along. Of course we can’t get along with everyone, some creatures have butts that just don’t smell right and you can’t trust them.

Ben at LunaGrownBen mentioned how exciting it is for him to see my humans, Paul and Markus, as he does not often get human visitors at his home. He said there are some that walk by and he calls to them to stop and visit. He said they get this scared look and back away. It seems the cats there feel the same way. He commented that a human in a brown truck stops by and leaves packages but won’t visit either. I explained to him those are called UPS humans and they are afraid of our kind so he should stop asking him to play.

Ben and I finished our conversation over a bowl of cool water. We talked of our upcoming plans for the fall. We agreed we need to try to get afternoons together more often. Although we both understand the busy lives of our humans and look forward to days ahead.

Always cherish the moments you have with those that bring you the smallest amount of joy! Remember, it’s better to ride with the wind in your face, than to put your head out the side window and watch the world go by. You can share that wisdom with a friend!


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Sunny Days

Sunny Days

Luna in the Sunshine

Sunny Days are Meant for Dogs

Sunny days are meant for me is what I wanted to say. Is there anything more wonderful this time of year? The air is thick and dry, just a little bit of running and you are ready for a nice cold drink of water and a cool piece of ground to lay on. The sun just shining its warmth on your face. Could anything be more perfect? To be honest I do prefer my cold water from a clean container and I have a raised bed on the farm so I don’t have to lay in the dirt. Ben, however, will drink from the pond and lay in the dirt, he seems to enjoy his spot. I enjoy mine. We do agree on sharing the warm sunshine though.

The men came that make the electric go from the tall stick in the ground to the barn and made it work. Everyone is happy, and now the box that blows cold air is working, and our water now comes out of a long snake-like thing called a hose. It’s very cold water. I have watched my human Paul attaching things to it and telling Chris where the sink will go. I am guessing this will be the kitchen where they intend on creating crunchy broccoli and asparagus treats for me. I still have not gotten any this year, but a fan of our jam did send some very nice chews that Chris said help keep my teeth clean. So whoever you are thank you!

luna skid steer

I have been helping my human companion Markus clear another area just outside the barn. There are so many rocks I wonder where they all keep coming from. It does look much better already. There was nothing but tall swamp grass and rotten stumps there before. I’m not certain if I will have my companions plant more harvest-able items or maybe just some grass. A driveway might be nice there so on rainy days I can be let out just at the barn and not have to run through it. We’ll see, I have not made my mind up yet.

I heard that Chris is planning to take September off from his regular markets in Goshen and New Hampton.  I made arrangements with some of his market associates who will offer our jam in his absence. Of course, I made sure he got the online store open, so there’s that option. I don’t know what date he is planning to take his short leave but I’ll make note of it.

I hope you take some time to enjoy the sunshine, I promise you will love every minute of it warming your face! Just a thought, when meeting a new friend for the first time (whether animal or human) it is wise to properly introduce yourself prior to physical interaction. We all have boundaries that should be respected.

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No Pie Dough Left Behind

No Pie Dough Left Behind

These little treats are a leftover pie dough creation. I’m sure you have had leftover pie dough – the stuff you cut off the edges when you fit it into a pie pan. Waste not one bit!

Jam Filled Cookies

Jam Filled Cookies

Whether you enjoy them as a sweet treat for yourself or share them with loved ones, these jam-filled cookies are guaranteed to bring joy and happiness to any occasion. So go ahead, take a bite, and let the heavenly combination of jelly and spritz perfection transport you to a world of pure delight.

Spice Cake Made With Jam a Holiday Delight

Spice Cake Made With Jam a Holiday Delight

Indulging in festive bliss has never been easier with the heavenly holiday cake and LunaGrown Jam. This perfect pairing will elevate your holiday celebrations to a whole new level of decadence. So, treat yourself and your loved ones to a slice of this heavenly cake, topped with LunaGrown Jam, and let the flavors of the season take you on a joyful journey. Cheers to a truly indulgent holiday season!

LunaGrown Grape Jelly

LunaGrown Grape Jelly

In a world filled with fast-paced living and instant gratification, LunaGrown small-batch grape jelly reminds us to slow down and savor the simple pleasures in life. From the vineyards to your table, this delightful jelly takes you on a journey of wholesome bliss.